Can Cats Eat Dog Food?
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At pet stores or veterinary hospitals, it’s easy to come across the question: “Can cats eat dog food nuts?”

For a quick answer, cats can eat nuts for dogs without any toxicity. BUT, long-term eating is not recommended.

To be able to give an accurate answer, it is necessary to learn more about the differences between the two species. Although eating a little will not affect cats, in the long run it cannot meet their health standards.

Here s some information about your cat s diet and why it s not a good idea to feed your cat dog nuts in the long run:

Can a cat eat for a long time?

It is impossible to equate the diet of dogs and cats.

Unconsciously, you can end the life of your pet if you let your cat eat seeds for dogs for a long time. Due to the seed recipe of the two species have different nutritional components suitable for each species.

Dogs and Cats Have Different Nutritional Needs

Cats are carnivores, and they need large amounts of protein from animal meat and fat so that their bodies can function normally.

On the other hand, dogs are omnivores. Omnivores have a more flexible diet, can eat meat, vegetables, grains,…

A dog’s diet does not meet the nutritional needs of the cat.



They differ in taste. Unlike dogs, cats lack the ability to sense sweetness, and the number of taste receptors between the two species also varies.

Cats have 470 senses, while dogs have 1700 (humans have more than 9000)

Due to the lack of taste perception, specially designed cat food becomes more palatable in order to attract picky eaters.

* Usually, cats do not want to eat dog food because they do not feel good, while many dogs eat cat food.


By their very nature, cats need food that is much higher in protein than dog food.

Many dog nut products have varying levels of protein, but in general, very few achieve the high levels of protein required for cats, and it is often high-protein, high-grade dog foods that meet a cat’s protein requirements.


Both cats and humans are one of the few mammals that cannot make (in other words, are incapable of self-synthesizing) taurine, and can only receive taurine through diet.

Without taurine, cats can suffer from diseases such as:

  • Heart failure (dilated heart muscle)
  • Decreased vision
  • Other digestive problems

All cat nuts on the market today contain taurine, which is rarely found in dog nuts.


It is a fatty acid that cats can only tolerate through food.

Deficiency of fatty acids mentioned above, cats will appear signs of disease such as:

  • Liver, kidney failure
  • Skin and hair problems

Dogs can make this acid on their own, so people rarely add this ingredient to dog seeds.


Is another nutritional factor that cats must supplement through food. Although present in seeds for dogs, it is not high enough to meet the nutritional needs of cats. Cats lacking Vitamin A will suffer from:

  • Decline in muscles
  • Visual effects lead to chicken groin
  • The fur is weakened


It is an important component of a cat’s diet because it cannot be synthesized on its own. Animal tissue is the most common source of niacin in cat food as opposed to plants with low niacin content.

Foods that are low in animal tissue but high in plant tissue, such as grains, may not provide enough niacin for cats


In the pet food industry, it is generally divided into 3 stages:

  • It is developing
  • Stable
  • All Stages

Cats not only have needs for protein, vitamins, and essential nutrients, but these needs also fluctuate throughout their stages.

Kittens need more nutrients and energy to grow fast. Adult cats, on the other hand, need more protein to maintain their muscles before they age.

Dog seeds typically with lower levels of protein and other nutrients are not suitable for cats at all stages in the long run.

High-quality cat food is a must.

To be able to ensure the cats a healthy life, a healthy diet, high quality is inevitable. Seeds for dogs have the right content and nutrients for dogs, but not suitable for cats.