TELLME® Dried Pork and Fresh Carrot Sliced ​​Sausage – 70 grams

TELLME® Dried Pork and Fresh Carrot Sliced ​​Sausage – 70 grams


Foods rich in protein and fiber, low in fat, good for digestion, help your dog limit diarrhea.
Carrots are rich in Biotin, vitamin A, good for teeth and eyes, help keep fur soft and smooth
Minimize the smell of waste.
Rewarding food that makes your dog wag its tail


TELLME® Dried Pork and Fresh Carrot Sliced ​​Sausage – 70 grams

Foods rich in protein and fiber, low in fat, good for digestion, help your dog limit diarrhea.
Carrots are rich in Biotin, vitamin A, good for teeth and eyes, help keep fur soft and smooth
Minimize the smell of waste.
Rewarding food that makes your dog wag its tail.

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